Colin Holbrow/ February 23, 2018/ Leader as Coach, Leadership

Regular viewers to Toronto Raptor basketball games will be familiar with the expression “get that garbage outa here”. These words come from the lips of sports commentator, Jack Armstrong. Armstrong frequently uses this phrase when a Raptor player successfully blocks a shot or attempted dunk by an opposing player.

The same can be said of the inner voice or self-critic that is so alive in every one of us. Our inner voice or Gremlin serves as an uninvited critic. Our inner commentator is particularly active when we are in the midst of change – anything that challenges our comfort zone. The Gremlin is also vocal when we get close to realizing our dreams – applying for a promotion; a new job; moving into a new home; love relationships and so much more.

“90% of the messages transmitted by the human brain on an average day, are negative.”

Here are two astounding research findings about the human brain

  1. On average the human brain transmits 35,000 messages a day. Ninety percent (90%) of these messages are negative.
  2. The human brain is wired to be negative. Think of how you react to feedback offered in the form of “do you want hear the good news or the bad news, first?” The majority of us ask for the bad news first.

One of the proven techniques to overcome the self-deprecating inner voice is to offer ourselves, praise. As this month’s article spotlights, we can overcome our temptation to only focus on the negative in feedback and our daily experience by looking for the positive gift. Follow the three-steps offered in the article and you will find that a daily dose of positivity will help you shift into a more productive frame of mind and body.

Recommended Reading:
Harvard Business Review and read – “Don’t Let Criticism Overshadow”

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