Colin Holbrow/ July 7, 2020/ Uncategorized

(Here’s another blog from one of our younger readers who has shared these thoughts)

Is it just me or has everyone been checking the rental or buying market every single day since the pandemic started? The good news is the cost of renting a downtown condo has dropped 7% over the past several months. WOAHHHH!

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve been trapped in this cute, tiny little condo which is usually perfect for just one person. But when you aren’t able to work, the days just stretch on. You find yourself doing circles in your room or just people watching from your tiny little space. Then my sweet boyfriend decided to move in with me so I wouldn’t have to be alone for an unknown amount of time during the COVID-19 isolation. This tiny little place became even tinier.

Naturally I started looking at other condos online and imagine what it would be like not to bump into my boyfriend’s desk while I’m trying to cook. Or waiting to shower since he got up before me (I feel like all I do is just sleep these days). Why not add a little excitement and decide to move to a larger place during a pandemic with your boyfriend?

This may sound very sarcastic, but seriously, now is the best time to do this. If you can get through five months of seeing one another every single waking minute of the day and you’re able to come out of this a stronger couple, why not go for it?

I love being able to see what’s out there. Imagining how to decorate a new place or see what size of mirror I want to buy at CB2. My Pinterest is a little nuts and so are all the ideas I am sending my boyfriend. But hey, if this is my little project during COVID, I’m going for it.

We are finding our positivity in a very changed world. We are grateful to have something to look forward to.

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