Colin Holbrow/ December 12, 2017/ Leader as Coach, Leadership

Words come and go in any language including English. Some currently popular words include “millennials”, “mindfulness” and “being fully present”.  Another word frequently used today is resilient.

Human beings are fortunate to have the capacity to be resilient; to find a way to survive and work through disappointments, set-backs or more.

As noted in the enclosed article, resilience is “ the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape. “ Synonyms associated with resilient include; hardy, strong, tough, robust, buoyant and elastic.

We all face challenges in our lives. Some are short lived.  Others are longer term, even life long. Being born with a disability or the challenge of a mental health illness requires awareness and finding a way to deal with issues based on our personal experiences.

As a leader, a fundamental necessity is knowing how to access your own personal resilience. Digging deep to overcome a set back, a failure or divisiveness on a team taps heavily into resilience.

My older brother had the capacity to rebound and work towards his dreams by being extremely resilient. His next success as an intrepid entrepreneur was always just-around-the-corner, however, he declared bankruptcy on more than one occasion. Many would have given up the first time and withdrawn from the business world. I admire my brother’s resilience and ability to overcome his business failures and to be so cheerfully optimistic and full of hope.

What have you overcome in your life that serves as an example of resilience? What current challenge requires you to access your resiliency? How can you strengthen what you represent and serve as a powerful example to others that are looking for their resilience?

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