How often do you take a break from the intensity of meetings, email, social media, phone calls and projects? Maybe a better question is “ What does your lunch or refreshment break look like… if you take a break at all ? “
Even though I will have several planned time breaks between coaching clients in-person or on conference calls, I seldom take advantage of these precious moments to take a meaningful time escape. My lunch break is often a very compressed 5-10 minutes munching on a salad and looking at my phone to be “up-to-date” with a world that changes instantaneously.
“Finding ways to detach yourself from work will have a significant impact on your capacity to handle the expected and unexpected stress and bolster positivity and productivity.”
As this month’s article illustrates, pausing 5 – 10 – 15 minutes or even longer to deliberately retreat from what occupies our mental and emotional energy, can have a powerfully positive effect on our end-of-day concentration, stress and fatigue.
Finding ways to detach yourself from work will have a significant impact on your capacity to handle expected and unexpected stress and bolster positivity and productivity. Stepping away from the stress of your day and going for a short walk in a nearby park or around your neighbourhood or finding a place to practice a range of relaxation exercises will enhance your capacity to be refreshed and attentive.

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Here’s an added article to help you be more present during your workday