Colin Holbrow/ September 26, 2018/ Communication, Leadership

It’s September. Summer is waning and the soon-to-be vivid colours of fall are advancing on the deciduous landscape. September is also a time of year when you tend to revisit what has happened over the months of winter, spring and summer and what still needs to happen to make the remaining days of 2018 more than just the simple passing of time.

“September is the perfect time to create an
Awesome Log to record all that you have accomplished (great or small) so far …”

As this month’s article illustrates, being focused on all the things we have yet to accomplish creates a void in our life at work and home. Focusing on what has not happened as opposed to what has happened will take a significant toll on anyone of us.

Here’s an idea.  After reading this newsletter, take up the challenge to create an Awesome Log to record all that you have accomplished great or small, so far.  Give yourself permission to capture your accomplishments in a manner that appeals and is relevant to you. This may range from listing your achievements in a standard stationery notebook or something else that showcases a talent such as a collection of photographs, sketches or paintings. Don’t pay attention to feeling boastful or concerned about anyone passing judgment on the relative significance of what you have done to make yourself or world around you better.

Not only will creating and maintaining your Awesome Log help keep you focused on what is important. The Log will also help transport you out of the times when you will go to your cave as you take the inevitable hits on your self-confidence. A quick read of your accomplishments from time to time will be your lifeline to knowing overall, you are awesome and you are making a difference in your world.

Other Recommended Reading:

  • Go to Harvard Business Review and read “Acknowledging your achievements is a Form of Self-care”
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