- Active Green + Ross
- Amgen Canada
- ATCO Group
- AudienceView
- Banff Centre for Leadership
- Baycrest Geriatric Centre
- Blake, Cassels & Graydon
- Black and Mcdonald
- BMO – Harris Bank
- Calgary Economic Development
- Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
- Canadian Biotechnology Education Centre
- Canadian Management Centre
- Cisco Systems Canada
- Corus Entertainment
- DAC Group
- Direct Energy Home Services
- Dorothy M. Wylie Leadership Institute
- Gay Lea Foods Co-operative
- Guardian Capital
- Hyundai Capital Canada
- Innovapost
- InsightU
- I3 DVR
- Jarvis & Associates
- Legrand Canada
- Lundin Mining
- McMaster University
- Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Aruba/Curacoa
- Regional Municipality of York
- Rogers Communications
- Royal Sun Alliance
- SCO Health Centre
- Scotiabank
- Strathcona County
- St. Peter’s Health System
- Swiss Reinsurance
- Sysco Foods Canada
- Town of Aurora
- Unitron
- Wincon Security
- A diverse range of private executives.