Colin Holbrow/ September 18, 2019/ Communication, Leadership, Uncategorized

Leaders face the expected and the unexpected. One example of the unexpected is having to say to your team or company “Brace for Impact”.

Imagine being on a routine commercial flight when something starts to go wrong… and you hear the captain call-out
“Brace for Impact”

On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 took off from LaGuardia Airport bound for Charlotte, North Carolina with 150 passengers and 5 crew. Six minutes after takeoff, something goes wrong. Watch this video as one of the passengers tells his story publicly for the first time and the three most important things, he learned in anticipation of his plane crashing.

Take a moment to consider how the three things Ric learned that day can help propel you in your own life.

Click to see Video

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