Colin Holbrow/ November 27, 2017/ Communication

Have you stopped to consider what happens when you are talking or disagreeing with someone? By expending energy to interrupt or argue you are intentionally interjecting yourself into a conversation where you have stopped listening. The emotional brain controlled by the amygdala has kicked into gear and has overruled our capacity to listen and express empathy. All of our senses are focused on what we need to say and no longer on what the other person is trying to say.

“By intentionally interjecting yourself into a conversation you are no longer listening.”

Hitting the well known 80/20 rule is where we need to be when effectively dealing with people. Psychologists tell us that we need to listen 80% or more and only speak 20% or less of our time to really connect with our fellow human beings. If you were to take an informal poll of your talk time, you will likely discover that on average you speak much more than you listen.

Here’s a proven technique. Use W A I T

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