Colin Holbrow/ May 14, 2017/ Communication

The subject of the never-ending series of unproductive time and resulting costs consumed through meetings is one we can all relate to. The vast majority of people I have had the honour of coaching bring tales of negative productivity and frustration (even anger) into coaching conversations as a result of meetings followed by meetings followed by even more meetings. And that’s just Monday’s calendar!

The topic of this monthly newsletter introduces an HBR guide on transforming meetings into vital and meaningful tools to share timely information and create shared accountability and action.

…“Meetings are helpful and critically important … if they are carefully managed and orchestrated.”

Here are some questions intended to serve you as you consider antidotes to effectively deal with meeting fatigue.

  1. What would happen if leaders like you did not attend a meeting unless there is an advance agenda with a clear purpose and tangible outcome?
  2. What would happen if this same agenda also started and finished at the advertised time, all the time?
  3. How will starting the meeting with the recorded specific actions and names of the lead team players assigned to handle tasks help to ensure the project moves ahead?
  4. How will creating a culture of accountability help to achieve the expected results? and,
  5. What milestones are to be created to celebrate cooperation and synergy?

Meetings are helpful and critically important vehicles of communication if they are carefully managed and orchestrated.

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